Renovating & Re-establishing the Maternity Clinic of the Kyebe Health Centre III, in Uganda

Our team from Australia and Uganda visited Kyebe in January 2024 - learn moare about our visit and plans for 2024 and beyond here.

Renovations currently in progress - see the latest updates on our blog.

Kyebe Maternity Clinic is located in the Kyebe Sub-County, Kyotera District, Uganda

The facility was established in the 1950’s to meet the medical needs of the local community.

Our partner Rotary Club in Uganda, have produced an introductory video for this project.


Improving Healthcare Outcomes

This project intends to improve the facility by concentrating mainly on the Maternity Ward that lacks most of the basic requirements for a functional maternity ward.

The facility is located in Kyebe, approximately 180km south of the capital of Uganda, Kampala. It is close to the northern border of Tanzania, and Lake Victoria.

The closest alternative facility is around 50km away, and is often inaccessible by road due to weather and poor conditions.

Recently the entire area was cut-off for two months due to floods - making the renovation of the facility a critical need for the health and well-being of the local community.


The Maternity Ward

The Maternity Ward requires significant renovation to make it conducive for both the new born babies, mothers and mid-wives.

There is a need to fix windows, doors, the roof, ceiling, verandah and water harvesting system at the ward, as well as eventually re-equipping the labour unit.

Can you or your Rotary Club help?