Fundraising for the Maternity Ward
We are seeking additional Rotary Clubs in District 9800 to participate in a future Global Grant application.
The Maternity Ward is arguably the most important component of the clinic. Today, most of the rooms are run down, and in dire need of renovations.
Women visit the facility as a last resort to give birth in a facility that is less than ideal.
Our goal, through utilizing District Grants supporting club contributions, is to qualify for a Global Grant of USD$30,000 or more.
The Rotary Club of Albert Park is leading this project, and seeking support from other clubs in District 9800 (and beyond).
What are the funds needed for?
Renovating the Ward is broken into 6 parts. They have been professionally scoped and documented by in-country structural engineers, in collaboration with the local community.
The Rotary Club of Konge Lukuli in Uganda has reviewed and assessed the plan and budget as appropriate and reasonable. This club is responsible for all activities in Uganda, and ultimately responsible for the delivery of this project.
The budget is broken up into 6 parts - Substructures, Framing & Reinforcements, Repairs to the Roof, Replacement of Doors and Windows, Internal and External finishes, and finally Mechanical (water tanks and plumbing). A copy of the detailed budget is available on request.
What is the role of the facility?
The key role is that of Maternal Health, but also offers a range of other services critical to the local community.
Outpatient & Inpatient consultations
Antenatal & Deliveries
Family Planning services
Laboratory Services
Immunization (including TB)
How large is the facility and what does it contain?
The facility is classed as a Health Center 3, which is effectively a community-level medical facility. The facility comprises of:
3 bed maternity ward
1 bed delivery room
2 bed labour room
Exam Room
Waiting Room
Midwive’s station and storage
Sustainability and Ongoing Viability
From a staffing perspective, local midwives and doctors are paid by the Ugandan Health Department - we are grateful for this and appreciate their ongoing support.
New Equipment and Medical Consumables are currently being sourced by a number of Rotarians in District 9800 and beyond.
Ongoing consumables are “officially” provided by the Health Department, however in reality the amount provided is minimal. We are working with local NGO to provide an ongoing supply when needed.
Repairs and cleaning will be provided by the local community.
Fundraising Targets & Transparency
Renovations will proceed from July 2023 regardless of whether we have managed to reach out target, with ongoing fundraising continuing if necessary.
In the instance that we raise funds above our target, these will be used to renovate other parts of the facility, including:
Midwive’s Kitchen
Children’s Ward
How can your Club can help?
To put it simply, we are seeking funding contributions from Clubs in District 9800 and beyond.
We are seeking clubs in District 9800 & beyond to contribute towards a Global Grant application for this upgrade.
We are seeking combined club contributions for US$15,000, which together with District Grant support (hopefully multiple) can leverage The Rotary Foundation's contribution to reach the US$30,000 minimum grant level.
Of course, any contribution of any scale is appreciated - the faster we can reach our goals the faster the renovations can begin.
If your Club is in a position to assist, please Contact Us
Need more information?
Feel free to reach out at any time via email, phone or the form on our Contact Us page.
Our project group will also be attending the RI Convention next month, including Peter Lusembo from the Rotary Club of Konge Lukuli, Uganda.
Any contribution your Club can make towards this project is hugely appreciated - no amount is too small.
By returning this facility to a usable state, we are directly impacting the lives of women and their families in Kyebe, surrounding towns, and the district of Masaka.