Frequently asked questions.
Below are some frequently asked questions. Have a question and can’t find an answer? Contact us!
How did this project start?
It’s a long story! In essence (and the very short version), the project was started by the Rotary Club of Gaba, and found it’s way to to us via Jenny Foster from the Rotary Passport Club of Melbourne.
Members of the Rotary Club of Albert Park, in particular Stella Nakato and Matthew Proctor, who run an NGO in Uganda, realized immediately the need for the clinic within the community, and the project was created. Stella is originally from Uganda, having been a Rotarian there before moving to Australia, so understood the need and the local region and community intimately.
The Rotary Club of Albert Park is the lead Club for this project in District 9800, Australia and is working closely with the Rotary Club of Konge Lukuli, Uganda.
Where is this facility?
The facility is in Kyebe sub-country, in the Kyotera District, Uganda. It is around 180km south of the capital city, Kampala.
Are we sending goods & equipment from Australia?
At the moment, no. We are focusing on using Ugandan labourers and materials to renovate the facility - keeping as much of our funds in the local community. As well as utilizing local skills and knowledge, it provides work and an income for locals.
Material use and construction techniques in Uganda, which is a tropical country that crosses the equator, differ significantly to those in Australia.
Once the facilities are renovated and re-established, we will then review availability of medical equipment. Our preference is to purchase equipment locally in Uganda, to help the local economy. Where that is not possible or impractical, we will look at sourcing equipment locally and shipping it to the facility.
Who is managing this project in Uganda?
The Rotary Club of Konge Lukuli, a major club based in Kampala, is the host club for this project, and managing all aspects of the renovation works directly. They have previously reviewed the facility in detail, as well as worked with the local community to ensure the necessity and value of this project.
Representatives from both the Rotary Club of Randers Sondre (Denmark) and Rotary Club of Albert Park (Australia) have recently visited the facility in Uganda to audit and provide a report of the facility and project independently to the host club, and have confirmed their findings.
Is there a full budget for this project?
Yes - a full budget for each component of this project has been created and reviewed, and is available. It is broken down into individual materials and quite detailed. Please get in contact if you would like a copy.
Why are the project components quoted in US Dollars?
US Dollars are often used as a secondary currency in many African countries, and almost always used as the international trade currency. As such it’s easier to standardize on this currency when seeking estimates and quotes from the local community for renovations and consumables.
Is the Rotary Foundation or any Districts providing matching grants or support?
District 8960 has provided some funding to the Rotary Club of Randers Sondre, and we are investigating options within our local district. We are reviewing the potential application for a Global Grant.
Once the renovations are complete, how will the facility be maintained in the future to avoid it falling into disrepair?
We are currently working with the community to establish a sustainable source of income for the facility - including agricultural and farming projects.
Aside from fundraising, do you need volunteers for this project?
Absolutely! We are always looking for volunteers both locally to help with fundraising activities, and in Uganda. Whether it be helping out with renovations to providing training and support, please get in touch!
How are you managing funds and accountability?
All fundraising for this project is handled through RAWCS (Rotary Australia World Community Service), who have strict reporting and audit requirements for us to comply with. This provides full transparency to our Club members, donors and supporters. RAWCS also provides the ability for donations made in Australia to be tax deductible, which is handy!
How are you reviewing the progress of this project?
We are receiving regular updates from the Rotary Club of Konge Lukuli, and many of our team are planning to visit the facility again in January & February 2023.
I have more questions, how do I get in touch?
Simply contact us!