Visit by the Rotary Club of Randers Sondre, Denmark

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Michael, Stefan and Henrik visited the maternity clinic in April 2022. After this, the project started by first renovating the building for the midwives with the funds from District Grant of DKK 61,000, which comes from the Rotary Foundation, the Relief Fund and our club.

There are two midwives who live far away. They are seconded alternately for 60 days at a time to the maternity clinic.

The salary is approx. $ 100. The first step was the replacement of a leaky roof. When the new roof was going up, it turned out that the load-bearing walls were built of bricks that were not fired. Therefore, it was necessary to peel down the walls and wall up new ones.

In the house, rooms, kitchen and bathrooms are made so that two can live at the same time. In three weeks, they have had new walls put up and a new steel roof laid.

The house already looks nice. It is difficult to say what the entire construction will cost - will there be other surprises?


Midwife Presentation


Stella visits the Maternity Clinic and local community